CI435 Learning Journal

How to make a responsive website

Weekly Posts

Week 2 - Learning more HTML elements

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Some reference here to my own reading and research, explaining what I have done and what I have learned from it. I might show before and after screenshots in my web page, with the changes that I have made.

Week 1 - Getting started

Published on

I finished the first lab tutorial and ended up with a basic 3-page 'website'. In this tutorial I learned how to do the following things -

  1. Set up the folders and files for my site on my workspace on the Brighton Domains web server
  2. Link two pages together with a navigation menu (relative link)
  3. Create links to external webistes (absolute link)
  4. Use h1 and h2 tags
  5. Edit the page title
  6. Validate HTML using the W3C validator
Website folders
Website folder structure
Screenshot © Jennie Harding

Some reference here to my own reading and research, explaining what I have done and what I have learned from it.

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