PART 1 of this tutorial is a tutorial, a basic introduction to Photoshop, in which you will learn how to edit an image and save it as a file that is optimised for the web.

In PART 2 of the tutorial you will learn about the use of background images - and experiment with some of the tools that you can find on the web to help make graphics and generate colour palettes for web page design. if you want to progress to using more advanced CSS3, Step 2.6 has some resources for learning CSS3 properties that can be used to replace digital images.

Part 1. Editing and optimising images for the web

If you want a basic introduction to how to use Photoshop to edit images for the web, please do sections of this Linked-In Learning video tutorial - You will need to log in to Linked In Learning as a University of Brighton user first. There is information about using Linked In Learning here: University of Brighton page - Using Linked In Learning. I've put the video on the CI435 playlist if you want to access it that way.

The following sections of the course are all you need to know to create images for your CI435 coursework -

  • 1. Opening files > Opening documents in Photoshop
  • 2. Documents and navigation
  • 4. Digital image essentials
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Part 2. Web graphics: colour, backgrounds and favicons

  1. Colour palette generators
  2. Background images
  3. Controlling repeating images
  4. Make a favicon
  5. Using CSS3 instead of digital images

Whenever you make any changes to your web pages remember to save them and preview them in a browser to see how they will display.

Step 1: Colour palette generators

Often a web designer will not have a completely free choice with colour - the client will have a logo or brand which will lead to a particular colour being used to identify the site. The following sites can help to generate a colour palette for websites -

Step 2. Background images

Every HTML element is treated as if contained within a box, which means that it has a background property that can be styled (see Lecture 4). Rather than inserting images into the HTML document using the <img> tag, it is possible to put image files into the background of elements such as divs, text block elements and links. This should only be done for images that are for presentation and decoration - not for images that are part of the web page content.

Put an image into the background of the web page <body>

Very small images can be put into the background of elements and tiled - i.e. repeated across the x and y axes - to form a pattern. Attach the background image as in the example below. It's also possible to use the full URL to identify the image source e.g. if it is hosted on another web server. The background-color property should always be declared as a fallback, particularly for images hosted on external websites.

body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #FFFFDC;
font-size: 100%;
line-height: 1.2em; background-color: #333; /*fallback - solid colour*/
background-image: url(images/tableStripe.png); /*or url(*/

This Stripe Generator tool is a good resource for making a very small background image that will tile.

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Step 3: Controlling repeating images

If you want to put a larger image in the background of an element - or the page <body> - and turn off tiling, use the background-repeat property in the rule. There are four possible values -

background-repeat: repeat;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

repeat-y will cause the image to tile vertically; repeat-x will cause it to repeat horizontally.

It is possible to fix the position of a large, non-repeating background image in the body selector by using the background-attachment property. Doing this means that while the page content will scroll up and down the background image will remain stationery creating a parallax effect. Two values are possible -

background-attachment: scroll;
background-attachment: fixed;

For more information about all the CSS background properties see this MDN page -

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Step 4. Make a favicon

One of the finishing touches to a website is to make a favicon - the small image that appears in the browser address bar or tab, next to the page title. These are an important way to brand a website. You can either make a favicon from scratch by creating a small bitmap image; or reduce a small (and simple) image to favicon size. The permitted file formats are ICO, PNG, GIF and JPEG. The image should be square; for the ICO format, icon files can be 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 or 64x64 pixels in size.

The following websites provide tools for making your own favicon -

You will need to put a link to your favicon image file in the <head> of the your HTML documents -

<link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="foldername/filename.ico">

For more information see -

Step 5. Using CSS3 instead of digital images

CSS3 logo

One of the big gains of CSS3 is that there are many properties that can be used instead of digital image files. This reduces the number of HTTP requests the web browser has to send to the web server to retrieve asset files, decreases page loading time and the data download overhead - very important, particularly when users are accessing the web on mobile devices. If you want to find out about the CSS3 alternatives to background images take a look at the following web resources:

  1. CSS3 gradients - used instead of a tiling gradient background image.
  2. The CSS3 border-image property allows you to create flexible boxes with custom borders with a single div and a single image -
  3. CSS3 box shadow -

If you have not had time to complete the tutorial please carry on and finish it in your own time. If you have any questions email Jennie Harding.

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