CSS basics

By the end of lab tutorial 3 you should have made a Learning Journal page that has content (at least two posts) and a lot of HTML markup using a number of different elements - HTML5 elements for page sections, block level elements for structuring text, inline elements for words or phrases, links and images. This is what my example looks like by the end of the third week - example Learning Journal.

If you haven't completed tutorials 1-3 you should finish them before starting lab tutorial 4. This is because CSS is a language that controls the presentation of HTML elements - if you have not made a Learning Journal full of well-structured content you will have nothing to style. Make sure you have validated your HTML web pages and corrected any errors before you start styling them with CSS.

If you are using a code editor such as Notepad++ or Brackets you will need to open the following resources in your browser tabs for reference -

  • A colour picker or colour generator which gives hexadecimal colour codes (e.g. #F0F0F0). There are lots of these on the web, for example -

  1. Copy normalize.css and link to all your web pages
  2. Copy stylesheet.css and link to all your web pages
  3. Style the body element
  4. Style the other elements
  5. Validate the HTML and CSS

Whenever you make any changes to the style sheet remember to save it and preview index.html in a browser to see how the presentation has changed. You will find it helpful to have index.html open in a browser tab throughout this tutorial, accessing the page on your Brighton Domains webspace through its URL - like http://jh1033.brighton.domains/index.html. You will need to hard-refresh your page to see changes that you have made in your stylesheet - How To Hard Refresh Your Browser.

STEP 1: Copy normalize.css and link to all your web pages

css folder

normalize.css is a style sheet that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need "normalizing". This style sheet is used by many professional web developers and in frameworks such as Bootstrap.

Follow these steps to link normalize.css to all your web pages -

  1. If you haven't made a folder in your Brighton Domains workspace called 'css' create this now: use this folder for your style sheets
  2. Make a text file and name it normalize.css: save it in your css folder
  3. Go to https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/ and click the button to download the latest version
  4. normalize.css will open in the browser window. Copy the CSS and paste it into the normalize.css file you have saved
  5. Link the file in the <head> of all your HTML pages by adding the following line after the <title> element -
    <link href="css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet">
  6. Save index.html

Once you have linked normalize.css to all your web pages leave it alone - don't edit the file in any way. Write your CSS in your own style sheet.

STEP 2: Copy stylesheet.css and link to all your web pages

We have provided a basic style sheet template for you to use; this contains selectors for many HTML elements that you have in your web pages. Follow these steps to link a style sheet to all your web pages -

  1. Make a text file and name it stylesheet.css: save it in the css folder you created in Step 1
  2. Go to this link - stylesheet.css. Copy the CSS and paste it into the stylesheet.css file you have saved
  3. Link the file in the <head> of all your HTML pages by adding the following line after the <title> element and after the normalize.css link -
    <link href="css/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet">
  4. Save index.html

Open stylesheet.css in your editor and take a look at it. It consists of a number of selectors, which target elements in index.html. The selectors are organised in a logical order, which starts by following the order that elements are written in the HTML, with the <body> element first. Organising a style sheet properly is important because the order in which CSS rules are written is important - the 'Cascade'. You can read about selectors and the cascade on these pages -

Selectors target an element by matching the name of the selector with an element in HTML and come in various types -

  • Type selectors (also known as element selectors) match the name of the selector with an HTML tag - e.g. p {} matches <p>
  • ID selectors match the name of the selector with the value of an id attribute - e.g. #wrapper {} matches <div id="wrapper">. A specific id attribute can be used only once in an HTML document - it must have a unique value.
  • Class selectors match the name of the selector with the value of a class attribute - e.g. .post {} matches <header class="post">. The same class attribute value can be used one or more times in the document.

stylesheet.css includes the following selectors -

  • body - a type selector which targets the content nested within the <body> tags
  • Selectors for the section elements -
    #wrapper - an id selector; followed by type selectors for <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, <main>, <nav>, <section>, and .post - a class selector.
  • Type selectors for heading elements -
    <h1>, <h2>, <h3> etc.
  • Type selectors for list elements -
    <ul>, <li> etc.
  • Pseudo-class selectors for the anchor element and its behaviours -
    a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active - note that these MUST be written in the style sheet in this order - lvha
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Step 3: Style the body element

The purpose of a selector is to match an element in the HTML document and list the properties and values that will declare how it will be presented in the browser.

The body selector matches all the elements nested within the <body> tags. In this rule you will declare some properties for the whole of index.html (although you will over-ride some of these in the next steps with more specific rules.) Type the following rule into your style sheet -

body {
background-color: #F0F0F0;
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
color: #333;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 20px;

Save the file and then view the web page in the browser: the background colour of the page will be light grey; the font will be Verdana (a sans serif font that was designed for text readability on screen); the colour of the text will be dark grey and the font size will be 16 pixels high. Colour is specified using a 3-character hexadecimal code (the shorthand way of writing hex code #333333), prefixed by a hash # character.

In this tutorial I am using pixels - px - as the unit of measurement, to simplify the examples. In the next few weeks you will learn about other units of measurement - percentage, em and rem - which are often preferable, but less straight-forward to use.

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Step 4: Style the other elements

The <table> element

You have some table css in your index page, giving the table a border. This causes a validation error. We are going to move it to the css sheet. Find the table entry (in grouping) in your styleshetand and the following style rule.

table	{
border: 1px solid black;

Now remove the css from the index page. You will no longer see a validation error.

The <h1, h2...h6> elements

The <h> elements can be styled by changing the font, font size, font colour, line height etc. Follow the processes described in Step 3 to write a rule for the <h1> tag.

Here is the CSS rule that I created for the h1 selector in my style sheet -

h1	{
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
color: #F60;
font-size: 36px;
line-height: 50px;

The <paragraph> element

The paragraph elements will inherit the styles defined in the body rule - unless a specific rule is made for paragraph text. Experiment with changing the font properties for the p selector to see which solution is the most readable.

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<div id="wrapper"

<div id="wrapper" nests all the page elements and has been put there for the purpose of styling the page. The following code will give the wrapper a background colour of white and puts some padding inside the wrapper between the content and the margin; it defines a maximum pixel width for the content and centres it in the viewport (browser window) by setting the right and left margins to 'auto'-

#wrapper {
max-width: 1000px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
background-color: #FFF;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;

Save index.html and view it in your browser: resize the page to see how the wrapper centres the page content within the viewport.

Anchor pseudo-classes

It is important that users should be able to recognise a link in order to be able to interact with it easily. Users are now quite experienced at navigating websites and designers may feel that there is no need to use such obvious link styles as the browser default, where links are always underlined and coloured blue (link), mauve (visited link), red (active link). It is often desirable to change the colour of links, or to make them bigger for small touch screens. To style anchor elements, properties should be defined for each of tis four states of behaviour - the normal link, visited link, link when the cursor hovers over it (not relevant for touch screen devices) and active link (i.e. when it is clicked). CSS rules for links are always written in this order using the following pseudo-class selectors - a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active.

As you style the links preview them frequently in a browser to see what the effect will be when viewed online. Remember that once the link has been visited it will be presented with the a:visited style rule - unless you clear the history in your browser.

If you do not want your links to be underlined you can turn this feature off with the declaration text decoration: none;

To create a link with a dotted underline (as opposed to a solid underline) you can give the link a 1px dotted bottom border.

Here are the CSS rules that I wrote the for anchors in my my Learning Journal example -

a:link, a:visited, a:active	{
	color: #0090D2;
a:hover {
    color: #0063A6;
text-decoration: none; }
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Style the main menu

You might want to use more than one kind of link style on a page or site. By making use of a range of CSS properties it is possible to make links for a menu that behave like rollover button - as I have done in the example Learning Journal. if you have got on OK with the rest of the tutorial, and have styled the links on your page, have a go at making another link style for the menu. To do this we will use compound selectors that will specifically target the menu elements.

I have edited index.html and given the <nav> element (with the main navigation content - Home / Tutorial / Contact) the class of 'menu'. This is so that I can target this specific nav element and style it differently from other elements marked up with <nav> tags. The HTML is -

<nav class="menu">
    <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Guide</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Contact me</a></li>

The <nav>, <li>and <a> elements have been styled to create a menu that changes colour when the cursor hovers over the link.

.menu li	{
  list-style-type: none;
  font-size: 18px;
  margin-left: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
.menu a {
color: #000;
padding: 5px;
margin-right: 4px;
text-decoration: none;
border: 2px solid #0090D2; border-radius: 3px;
.menu a:hover {
background-color: #0090D2;
color: #FFF;

Take a look at my example Learning Journal and the attached style sheet.

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Style the <article> headings

Finally I want to use a class selector to style all the headers for the articles - i.e. the weekly posts in my Learning Journal. I am using a class selector because there are several instances of article headers in index.html.

I have marked up all the article headers in index.html with the following code -

<header class="post">
<h3><a id="week1"></a>Week 1 - Getting started</h3>

The CSS rule to style the article headers is -

.post	{
margin-top: 2px;
margin-bottom: 2px;
background-color: #CCC;
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Step 5: Validate the HTML and CSS

Check the URL of your CSS file on the Brighton Domains web server: it will be something like -


Go to the W3c CSS validation service to check your code. (You can enter the URL of your website or upload the css file.)

Don't forget: keep validating your html, as detailled in previous weeks: w3c validator.

If you have not had time to complete the tutorial please carry on and finish it in your own time. If you have any questions email Jennie Harding.

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